XYKAA RAPID 650 mg Tablet
Manufactured by : Troikaa ltd.
Composition : Paracetamol/Acetaminophen-650mg
MRP : Rs-20.15
Uses of Xykaa Tablet :
Xykaa rapid Tablet is used for pain relief and fever. It is used to relieve pain in conditionslike headache, joint pain, muscle pain or dental pain.
Side effects of XykaaTablet :
No common side effect is seen.
How to use Xykaa Tablet :
Take this medicine in the dose as prescribed by the physician. Do not chew it, swallow as whole. It does not have any type of interaction with food , so it can be taken with food.
Mechanism of Xykaa Tablet :
Xykaa rapid 650 tablet is an analgesic (pain reliever) and anti-pyretic (fever reducer). It works by blocking the release of certain chemical messengers that is responsible for producing pain and fever.
Safety measurements :
# It is unsafe to administered Xykaa rapid Tablet with alcohol.
# It is safe to administered during pregnancy. The effect produced by Xykaa rapid Tablet on developing baby is seen to be very low.
# It is safe to administered during breast feeding because it does not pass into breast milk.
# It does not produce dizziness during drive.
# It should be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney disease after consulting with
The other brands with same salts
# CROCIN 650mg Tablet. (GSK)
# DOLO 650 mg Tablet. (Micro labs Ltd)
# P 650 mg Tablet. (Apex lab Pvt ltd.)
# CALPOL 650 mg Tablet. (GSK)
# MACFAST 650 mg Tablet. (Macleods)
# Paracip 650 mg Tablet. (Cipla)
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